In 2009, Canada and the United States submitted a proposal to the International Marine Organization (IMO) for a North American Emission Control Area (ECA). Under the ECA which was adopted by Canada and the United States in March of 2010, all vessels within 200 nautical Miles of the coast will be required to burn fuel with 1% sulphur content or less beginning in August of 2012.
In January of 2015 the allowable sulphur content in fuel will reduced to 0.1%. Non compliant vessel may be subject to AMPS fines issued by the Canadian government.
If a vessel arrives into Canadain waters without LSFO, a report must be made to the authorites stating the reasons why the ship is not compliant. Vessel will have to source LSFO at first available port and suppplid accordingly.
For more information on this subject please fee free to contact us at anytime.

Map of North American Eca Zone