Since 1992, the CFIA has being monitoring the entry of vessels into Canadian ports which are considered a high risk for presence of AGM. These regulations have recently changed with new regulations and stricter policies taking effect on March 1st, 2012.
All vessels are now obligated to send a two year port of call list to the agent or directly to CFIA if calling to a Canadian port between March 1st and October 15th. The CFIA will check the list and will be looking to see if the vessel called to any high risk Asian ports during the high risk period.
All vessels which called to a high risk port during the high risk period must have been inspected by an approved CFIA inspection agency prior departure and a AGM free certificate issued. A scanned copy of this certificate must be sent together with the two year port of call list. The original certificate must be presented to the inspectors upon arrival at the request of the CFIA inspector.
For more information on above subject please feel free to contact us at anytime or please click on CFIA website.

Asian Gypsy Moth egg masses

Picture of male and female gypsy moth